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- Title
- List of Contributors
- Table of Contents
- Detailed Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgment
- Mapping Generalizations and Specializations and Categories to Relational Databases
- Bounded Cardinality and Symmetric Relationships
- A Paraconsistent Relational Data Model
- Managing Temporal Data
- Data Reengineering of Legacy Systems
- Different Kinds of Hierarchies in Multidimensional Models
- Spatial Data in Multidimensional Conceptual Models
- Requirement Specification and Conceptual Modeling for Data Warehouses
- Principles on Symbolic Data Analysis
- Database Engineering Supporting the Data Evolution
- Versioning Approach for Database Evolution
- Evolutionary Database: State of the Art and Issues
- Interrogative Agents for Data Modeling
- Schema Evolution Models and Languages for Multidimensional Data Warehouses
- A Survey of Data Warehouse Model Evolution
- Document Versioning and XML in Digital Libraries
- MDD Approach for Maintaining Integrity Constraints in Databases
- Artifacts for Collaborative Software Development
- Object-Relational Modeling
- Concept-Oriented Model
- Database Reverse Engineering
- Imprecise Functional Dependencies
- Horizontal Data Partitioning: Past, Present and Future
- Database Support for Workflow Management Systems
- Politically Oriented Database Applications
- Semantically Modeled Databases in Integrated Enterprise Information Systems
- The Linkcell Construct and Location-Aware Query Processing for Location- Referent Transactions in Mobile Business
- Caching, Hoarding, and Replication in Client/Server Information Systems with Mobile Clients
- Spatio-Temporal Indexing Techniques1
- Query Processing in Spatial Databases
- Automatic Data Enrichment in GIS Through Condensate Textual Information
- Similarity Search in Time Series
- Internet Map Services and Weather Data
- Spatial Network Databases1
- Supporting Location-Based Services in Spatial Network Databases
- Spatial Data Integration Over the Web
- Improving Constraints Checking in Distributed Databases with Complete, Sufficient, and Support Tests
- Inconsistency-Tolerant Integrity Checking
- Merging, Repairing, and Querying Inconsistent Databases
- The Challenges of Checking Integrity Constraints in Centralized, Distributed, and Parallel Databases
- Data Quality Assessment
- Measuring Data Quality in Context
- Geometric Quality in Geographic Information
- Geometric Quality in Geographic Information IFSAR DEM Control
- Querying and Integrating P2P Deductive Databases
- Using Semantic Web Tools for Ontologies Construction
- Matching Relational Schemata to Semantic Web Ontologies
- Ontology-Based Semantic Models for Databases
- Inconsistency, Logic Databases, and Ontologies
- Data Integration: Introducing Semantics
- An Overview of Ontology-Driven Data Integration1
- Current Approaches and Future Trends of Ontology-Driven Geographic Integration1
- Mediation and Ontology-Based Framework for Interoperability
- Ontologies Application to Knowledge Discovery Process in Databases
- Expression and Processing of Inductive Queries
- Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
- Mining Frequent Closed Intemsets for Association Rules
- Similarity Retrieval and Cluster Analysis Using R* Trees
- Outlying Subspace Detection for High-Dimensional Data
- Data Clustering
- C-MICRA: A Tool for Clustering Microarray Data
- Deep Web: Databases on the Web
- Learning Classifiers from Distributed Data Sources
- Differential Learning Expert System in Data Management
- Machine Learning as a Commonsense Reasoning Process
- Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics
- Sequential Pattern Mining from Sequential Data
- From Chinese Philosophy to Knowledge Discovery in Databases: A Case Study: Scientometric Analysis
- An Overview on Signature File Techniques
- On the Query Evaluation in XML Databases
- XML Document Clustering
- Indices in XML Databases
- Integrative Information Systems Architecture: Document & Content Management
- Index and Materialized View Selection in Data Warehouses
- Synopsis Data Structures for Representing, Querying, and Mining Data Streams
- GR-OLAP: Online Analytical Processing of Grid Monitoring Information
- A Pagination Method for Indexes in Metric Databases
- SWIFT: A Distributed Real Time Commit Protocol
- MECP: A Memory Efficient Real Time Commit Protocol
- Self-Tuning Database Management Systems
- A Survey of Approaches to Database Replication
- A Novel Crash Recovery Scheme for Distributed Real-Time Databases
- Querical Data Networks
- On the Implementation of a Logic Language for NP Search and Optimization Problems
- A Query-Strategy-Focused Taxonomy of P2P IR Techniques
- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Databases: Critical Issues and Challenges
- Business-to-Business (B2B) Integration
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- The Role of Rhetoric in Localization and Offshoring
- Adaptive XML-to-Relational Storage Strategies
- Innovative Access and Query Schemes for Mobile Databases and Data Warehouses
- Full-Text Manipulation in Databases
- Bind but Dynamic Technique: The Ultimate Protection Against SQL Injections
- Compilation of References
- Index