- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Preface
- Contents
- Part I: Introduction
- Part II: Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- Chapter 2: Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in Amazonian Forest Ecosystems
- Chapter 3: The Hydrology and Energy Balance of the Amazon Basin
- Chapter 4: Extreme Seasonal Climate Variations in the Amazon Basin: Droughts and Floods
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 History of Hydro-meteorological Extremes in the Region: Inter-annual Variability of Rainfall/Rivers in the Basin
- 4.3 Long-Term Variability and Trends of Hydro-meteorological Extremes
- 4.4 Projected Climate Change in Amazonia
- 4.5 Regional Extremes and Impacts on Future Climate Change Scenarios
- 4.6 Conclusions
- References
- Part III: Carbon Balance
- Chapter 5: The Amazon Carbon Balance: An Evaluation of Methods and Results
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Evaluation of Methods
- 5.3 Evaluation of Results, with Emphasis on Uncertainties Arising from Methods
- 5.4 Answers to the Science Questions
- References
- Chapter 6: Climate and the Amazonian Carbon Balance
- Chapter 7: Aquatic Ecosystems
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Inundation and the Variable Extent of Aquatic Habitats: Remote Sensing and Modelling
- 7.3 Gas Transfer Velocity Between Water and Atmosphere
- 7.4 Carbon Dioxide and Methane Concentrations and Fluxes
- 7.5 Regionalisation of Fluxes
- 7.6 Sources and Decomposition of Organic Carbon
- 7.7 Uncertainties and Research Needs
- 7.8 Climate Change, Exceptional Events, and Human Impacts
- 7.9 Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 8: Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchanges of CO2 in Dense and Open `Terra Firme´ Rainforests in Brazilian Amazonia
- Chapter 9: Overview of Forest Carbon Stocks Study in Amazonas State, Brazil
- Chapter 5: The Amazon Carbon Balance: An Evaluation of Methods and Results
- Part IV: Environmental Variation and Global Change
- Chapter 10: Recent Changes in Amazon Forest Biomass and Dynamics
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Methods
- 10.3 Results and Discussion
- 10.3.1 Structural Change
- 10.3.2 Recovery from Large Disturbances?
- 10.3.3 Dynamic Changes
- 10.3.4 Functional Compositional Changes
- 10.3.5 Recent Drought Impacts in Amazonia
- 10.3.6 What is Driving these Changes?
- 10.3.7 The Future: Potential Susceptibility of Amazon Forest to Environmental Stress and Compositional Changes
- 10.4 Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 11: The Biogeochemistry of the Main Forest Vegetation Types in Amazonia
- Chapter 12: Soil-Vegetation Interactions in Amazonia
- Chapter 13: Fires in Amazonia
- Chapter 14: Modelling Amazonian Carbon Budgets and Vegetation Dynamics in a Changing Climate
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 DGVMs for the Amazon
- 14.2.1 Soil-Plant Water Relations
- 14.2.2 Direct Effects of Water Stress on GPP and Transpiration
- 14.2.3 Temperature Dependence of GPP
- 14.2.4 Temperature Dependence of Respiration
- 14.2.5 CO2 and Nutrient Sensitivity of Amazon Forest Productivity
- 14.2.6 Functional Types Versus Continuous Traits
- 14.2.7 Allocation of Primary Productivity over Vegetation Components
- 14.2.8 Modelling Biomass: Demography of Vegetation Carbon, Mortality, Disturbance, Dispersal, and Recruitment
- 14.2.9 The Role of Fire in Natural Forests
- 14.3 Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 10: Recent Changes in Amazon Forest Biomass and Dynamics
- Part V: Integrating Considerations Between Biophysical and Social Aspects
- Chapter 15: Land Use, Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Brazilian Amazon (1960-2013)
- Chapter 16: The Impact of Land Use on Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Brazilian Amazonia: Implications for Policy
- Chapter 17: An Amazonian Forest and Its Fragments as a Laboratory of Global Change
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Long-Term Studies of Forest Fragmentation
- 17.3 Edge Effects
- 17.4 Isolation and Matrix Effects
- 17.5 Landscape Dynamics
- 17.6 Broader Consequences of Fragmentation
- 17.7 Predicting Species Responses to Fragmentation
- 17.8 Broad Perspectives
- 17.9 Conservation Lessons from the BDFFP
- 17.10 The Future of the BDFFP
- References
- Chapter 18: The Socioecological Implications of Land Use and Landscape Change in the Brazilian Amazon
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Land Use Patterns in Socio-Nature Landscapes: A Historical and Ecological Perspective
- 18.3 Land Use Patterns in Neo-Nature Landscapes and Their Implications for Sustainability
- 18.4 The Challenge of Creating and Maintaining Sustainable Land Uses and Landscapes
- 18.5 Concluding Remarks
- References
- Part VI: Perspectives for the Future
- Index
Ecological Studies, Vol 227:Interactions Between Biosphere, Atmosphere and Human Land Use in the Amazon Basin(2016)
上传日期:2016-12-26 22:39:17