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[LNCS 4123] General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics(LNCS4123, Springer, 2006)( 3540462449)(1137s)
星级: 1137 页
Ahlswede R , Et Al (Eds) General Theory Of Information Transfer And Combinatorics (Lncs 4123, Springer, 2006)(Isbn 3540462449)(1
星级: 1137 页
Ahlswede R., et al (eds) General theory of information transfer and combinatorics (LNCS 4123, Springer, 2006)( 3540462449)(1137s
星级: 1137 页
Ahlswede R., et al (eds) General theory of information transfer and combinatorics (LNCS 4123, Springer, 2006)( 3540462449)(1137s
星级: 1025 页
Ahlswede - General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics (Springer, 2006)
星级: 1137 页
Springer - General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics - 2006
星级: 1137 页
General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics by Rudolf Ahlswede_部分2
星级: 300 页
General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics by Rudolf Ahlswede_部分3
星级: 300 页
General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics by Rudolf Ahlswede_部分4
星级: 237 页
- Front Matter
- 01 Introduction
- 02 Rudolf Ahlswede — From 60 to 66
- 03 Information Theory and Some Friendly Neighbors – Ein Wunschkonzert
- 04 Identification for Sources
- 05 On Identification
- 06 Identification and Prediction
- 07 Watermarking Identification Codes with Related Topics on Common Randomness
- 08 Notes on Conditions for Successive Refinement of Information
- 09 Coding for the Multiple-Access Adder Channel
- 10 Bounds of E-Capacity for Multiple-Access Channel with Random Parameter
- 11 Huge Size Codes for Identification Via a Multiple Access Channel Under a Word-Length Constraint
- 12 Codes with the Identifiable Parent Property and the Multiple-Access Channel
- 13 Transmission, Identification and Common Randomness Capacities for Wire-Tape Channels with Secure Feedback from the Decoder
- Introduction
- Notation and Definitions
- Previous and Auxiliary Results
- The Coding Theorem for Transmission and Its Proof
- Capacity of Two Special Families of Wire-Tape Channel
- Discussion: Transmission, Building Common Randomness and Identification
- The Secure Common Randomness Capacity in the Presence of Secure Feedback
- The Secure Identification Capacity in the Presence of Secure Feedback
- 14 A Simplified Method for Computing the Key Equivocation for Additive-Like Instantaneous Block Encipherers
- 15 Secrecy Systems for Identification Via Channels with Additive-Like Instantaneous Block Encipherer
- 16 Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity – Part I
- 17 Large Families of Pseudorandom Sequences of k Symbols and Their Complexity – Part II
- Introduction
- Sufficient Criteria for $k$--Admissibility
- $k$--Good Primes: Negative Examples
- Extension of the Notion of $f$--Complexity and a Construction with High $f$--Complexity
- On the Cardinality of a Smallest Family Achieving a Prescribed $f$--Complexity and Multiplicity
- Balanced Families with Prescribed $f$--Complexity
- Conclusion
- 18 On a Fast Version of a Pseudorandom Generator
- 19 On Pseudorandom Sequences and Their Application
- Introduction
- The Measures of Pseudorandomness
- The Q-Construction and Its Pseudorandomness
- Our PR Measures and the Standard Statistical Tests
- Trying to Eliminate the Logarithm Factor
- Choosing $p$
- Length of the Sequence Generated
- Choosing the Seed (the Polynomial $f(n)$)
- A Further Construction
- Running Time Analysis and Comparison with Other Sequences
- Numerical Calculations
- Conclusions
- 20 Authorship Attribution of Texts A Review
- 21 Raum-Zeit und Quantenphysik – Ein Geburtstagsständchen für Hans-Jürgen Treder
- 22 Quantum Information Transfer from One System to Another One
- 23 On Rank Two Channels
- 24 Universal Sets of Quantum Information Processing Primitives and Their Optimal Use
- Introduction
- Universality and Optimality in Classical Computing
- Basic Concepts and Types of Universality
- Universal Sets of Complex Unitary Gates
- Computationally Universal Sets of Gates
- Fault-Tolerantly Universal Sets Gates
- Encoded Universality of Heisenberg Exchange Interactions
- Efficiency of Universal Sets of Quantum Primitives
- Compilation of Unitaries
- Optimal Design of Quantum Circuits for Two- and Three-Qubit Gates
- Projective Measurements as Universal Primitives
- Universal Randomized Quantum Circuits
- Interactions as Primitives
- 25 An Upper Bound on the Rate of Information Transfer by Grover’s Oracle
- 26 A Strong Converse Theorem for Quantum Multiple Access Channels
- 27 Identification Via Quantum Channels in the Presence of Prior Correlation and Feedback
- Introduction
- Review of Definitions and Known Facts
- Random Channels and Auxiliary Results
- ID Capacity of a Qubit
- ID Capacity of an Ebit
- General Prior Correlation
- Identification in the Presence of Feedback: Quantum--Classical Channels
- Identification in the Presence of Feedback: ``Coherent Feedback Channels''
- 28 Additive Number Theory and the Ring of Quantum Integers
- 29 The Proper Fiducial Argument
- 30 On Sequential Discrimination Between Close Markov Chains
- 31 Estimating with Randomized Encoding the Joint Empirical Distribution in a Correlated Source
- 32 On Logarithmically Asymptotically Optimal Hypothesis Testing for Arbitrarily Varying Sources with Side Information
- 33 On Logarithmically Asymptotically Optimal Testing of Hypotheses and Identification
- 34 Correlation Inequalities in Function Spaces
- 35 Lower Bounds for Divergence in the Central Limit Theorem
- 36 Identification Entropy
- Introduction
- Noiseless Identification for Sources and Basic Concept of Performance
- Examples for Huffman Codes
- An Identification Code Universally Good for All $P$ on $U$ = {1,2,...,$N$}
- Identification Entropy $H_I(P)$ and Its Role as Lower Bound
- On Properties of $\bar L(P^N)$
- Upper Bounds on $\bar L(P^N)$
- The Skeleton
- Directions for Research
- 37 Optimal Information Measures for Weakly Chaotic Dynamical Systems
- 38 Report on Models of Write–Efficient Memories with Localized Errors and Defects
- 39 Percolation on a k-Ary Tree
- 40 On Concepts of Performance Parameters for Channels
- Channels
- Three Unquestioned Concepts: The Two Most Basic, Code Size and Error Probability, Then Further Block Length
- Stochastic Inequalities: The Role of the Information Function
- Derived Parameters of Performance: Rates for Code Sizes, Rates for Error Probabilities, Capacity, Reliability
- A Misleading Orientation at the DMC: The Optimistic Rate Concept Seems Absurd
- A ``Paradox'' for Product of Channels
- The Pessimistic Capacity Definition: An Information Theoretic Perpetuum Mobile
- A Way Out of the Dilemma: Capacity Functions
- Some Concepts of Performance from Channels with Phases
- Some Comments on a Formula for the Pessimistic Capacity
- Pessimistic Capacity Functions
- Identification
- A Novel Hypergraph Covering Lemma
- Proof of Converse
- 41 Appendix On Common Information and Related Characteristics of Correlated Information Sources
- 42 Q-Ary Ulam-Renyi Game with Constrained Lies
- 43 Search with Noisy and Delayed Responses
- 44 A Kraft–Type Inequality for d–Delay Binary Search Codes
- 45 Threshold Group Testing
- 46 A Fast Suffix-Sorting Algorithm
- 47 Monotonicity Checking
- 48 Algorithmic Motion Planning The Randomized Approach
- 49 Information Theoretic Models in Language Evolution
- 50 Zipf’s Law, Hyperbolic Distributions and Entropy Loss
- 51 Bridging Lossy and Lossless Compression by Motif Pattern Discovery
- 52 Reverse–Complement Similarity Codes
- 53 On Some Applications of Information Indices in Chemical Graph Theory
- 54 Largest Graphs of Diameter 2 and Maximum Degree 6
- 55 An Outside Opinion
- 56 Problems in Network Coding and Error Correcting Codes Appended by a Draft Version of S. Riis “Utilising Public Information in Network Coding”
- Introduction
- Coherence: Utilising Apparently Useless Information
- Network Coding and Guessing Games
- Proof of Theorems
- General Results for Information Networks
- Utilising Public Information
- Some Corollaries
- Algebraic Solution to the Case Where |A|=2
- More Games
- On the Power of Network Coding
- Analysis of Specific Networks
- 57 On the Thinnest Coverings of Spheres and Ellipsoids with Balls in Hamming and Euclidean Spaces
- 58 Appendix On Set Coverings in Cartesian Product Spaces
- 59 Testing Sets for 1-Perfect Code
- 60 On Partitions of a Rectangle into Rectangles with Restricted Number of Cross Sections
- 61 On Attractive and Friendly Sets in Sequence Spaces
- 62 Remarks on an Edge Isoperimetric Problem
- 63 Appendix On Edge–Isoperimetric Theorems for Uniform Hypergraphs
- Introduction
- From Edge--Isoperimetric to Sum of Ranks Problem
- From the Discrete to a Continuous Model
- Cones and Trapezoids
- The Cases k=2,3
- On Regular Surfaces
- Main Result in Continuous Model, k=3
- A Last Auxiliary Result
- Main Result for k=3 and Good $\alpha$
- A False Natural Conjecture for k=3 and General $\alpha$ ; There Is ``Almost'' No ``Order'' at All
- A Related Topic: The Maximal Moments for the Family of Measurable Symmetric Downsets
- 64 Appendix Solution of Burnashev’s Problem and a Sharpening of the Erdős_Ko_Rado Theorem
- 65 Realization of Intensity Modulated Radiation Fields Using Multileaf Collimators
- Introduction
- Static Methods
- Notation and LP--Formulation
- NS--Minimization is NP--Complete
- The Algorithm of Galvin, Chen and Smith
- The Algorithm of Bortfeld et al.
- The Algorithm of Engel
- The Algorithm of Kalinowski
- The Algorithm of Xia and Verhey
- The Algorithm of Siochi
- The Algorithm of Kamath et al.
- The Algorithm of Boland, Hamacher and Lenzen
- The Algorithm of Baatar and Hamacher
- The Algorithm of Langer, Thai and Papiez
- The Algorithm of Dai and Zhu
- Reduction of Leaf Motion
- Numerical Results
- Dynamic Methods
- Summary and Discussion
- 66 Sparse Asymmetric Connectors in Communication Networks
- 67 Finding C_textNRI(W), the Identification Capacity of the AVC W, if Randomization in the Encoding Is Excluded
- 68 Intersection Graphs of Rectangles and Segments
- 69 Cutoff Rate Enhancement
- 70 Some Problems in Organic Coding Theory
- 71 Generalized Anticodes in Hamming Spaces
- 72 Two Problems from Coding Theory
- 73 Private Capacity of Broadcast Channels
- 74 A Short Survey on Upper and Lower Bounds for Multidimensional Zero Sums
- 75 Binary Linear Codes That Are Optimal for Error Correction
- 76 Capacity Problem of Trapdoor Channel
- 77 Hotlink Assignment on the Web
- 78 The Rigidity of Hamming Spaces
- 79 A Conjecture in Finite Fields
- 80 Multiparty Computations in Non-private Environments
- 81 Some Mathematical Problems Related to Quantum Hypothesis Testing
- 82 Designs and Perfect Codes
- 83 Back Matter