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Pattern Layout, Pinning and Cutting
星级: 14 页
Why pinning by surface irregularities can explain the peak…
星级: 1 页
A note on grain size dependent pinning
星级: 5 页
Vortex pinning by a columnar defect in planar supercondu
星级: 34 页
Pinning Forces in Superconductors from Periodic Ferromagnetic Dot Array
星级: 8 页
Analysis of improved treatment of children with closed femoral shaft fracture pinning
星级: 8 页
Adaptive Pinning Synchronization of Complex Networks with Stochastic Perturbations
星级: 22 页
Domain wall pinning dependent on nanomagnet state - IBM
星级: 10 页
On Synchronization of Pinning-Controlled Networks with Reducible and Asymmetric Coupling Matrix
星级: 9 页