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How to Assess, Manage, and Document the Risk of Dangerous Behavior
星级: 44 页
A review of the A. T. Kearney application of the Wharton EFA automobile demand model to assess the impact of environmental regul
星级: 34 页
Design of a model to assess the environmental risk of leachate dams
星级: 12 页
Eco-SpaCE An object-oriented, spatially explicit model to assess the risk of multiple environmental stressors on terrestrial ve
星级: 10 页
Environmental risk index A tool to assess the safety of dams for leachate
星级: 9 页
A new method to assess the environmental risk of a chemical process
星级: 9 页
SYNOPS 1.1 a model to assess and to compare the environmental risk potential of active ingredients in plant protection products
星级: 8 页
A calculation procedure to assess potential environmental risk of pesticides at the farm level
星级: 13 页
Using a habitat model to assess the risk of invasion by an exotic plant
星级: 6 页