- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Urban design and residential environments
星级: 15 页
Urban environments and health
星级: 125 页
Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Hata model under the Urban, Suburban and Rural Environments
星级: 9 页
Urban Conservation
星级: 8 页
urban conservation
星级: 8 页
Scaling up from gardens biodiversity conservation in urban environments
星级: 9 页
星级: 12 页
Reasonable Economic Costs of Amphibian Conservation in Urban Environments A Case Study in North Spain
星级: 6 页
Open space conservation in urban environments lessons from Thousand Oaks, California
星级: 17 页
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- Chapter 1: Urban Environments and Insect Wellbeing
- Chapter 2: Insects in Urban Environments
- Chapter 3: Insects Along Urban-Rural Gradients
- Chapter 4: Impacts on Insect Communities and Species
- Chapter 5: Alien Species in Urban Environments
- Chapter 6: Urban Insect Pest Management: Implications for Insect Conservation
- Chapter 7: Selected Urban Threats to Insects
- Chapter 8: Countering Insect Habitat Losses and Change in Urban Areas
- Chapter 9: Providing Habitats for Urban Insects
- Chapter 10: Landscape Connectivity for Urban Insects
- Chapter 11: Awareness and Priorities for the Future
- Index