- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Local damage to Ultra High Performance Concrete structures caused by an impact of aircraft engine
星级: 7 页
identification and measurement of ductile damage parameters
星级: 16 页
A non-local extension of Gurson-based ductile damage modeling
星级: 11 页
Local and non-local Gurson-based ductile damage and failure modelling at large deformation
星级: 14 页
Non-local regularization for FE simulation of damage in ductile materials
星级: 12 页
Crack tip deformation fields in ductile single crystals
星级: 14 页
Numerical estimation and practical validation of Hooputra’s ductile damage parameters
星级: 10 页
Three dimensional modelling of non-local ductile damage element technology
星级: 4 页
Computational design of deformation processes for materials with ductile damage
星级: 37 页

TBT3206-2008 ZPW-2000轨道电路技术条件
共 1 个文件夹, 6 个文件
名称 | 修改时间 | 大小 | 页数 |
TBT3208-2008 散装颗粒货物运输用防冻液技术条件 | 2024-12-26 | - | - |