- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
FAU-S-PSG-9012 控制计划
星级: 4 页
FAU-S-PSG-0800 SR审核
星级: 4 页
星级: 11 页
FAU-S-PSG-5001 奥深
星级: 19 页
FAU-S-PSG-5006 5S方法
星级: 30 页
FAU-S-PSG-0600 7个质量基础
星级: 2 页
FAU-S-PSG-0660 红料箱
星级: 3 页
星级: 19 页
星级: 7 页
- Preface
- Organization
- Contents
- Performance Principles for Trusted Computing with Intel SGX
- About the Complexity to Transfer Cloud Applications at Runtime and How Container Platforms Can Contribute?
- A Decentralized on Demand Cloud CPU Design with Instruction Level Virtualization
- Heterogeneous Resource Management and Orchestration in Cloud Environments
- Using Docker Swarm with a User-Centric Decision-Making Framework for Cloud Application Migration
- A Decentralized Cloud Management Architecture Based on Application Autonomous Systems
- From Metadata Catalogs to Distributed Data Processing for Smart City Platforms and Services: A Study on the Interplay of CKAN and Hadoop
- Abstract
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Related Work
- 3 Requirements for the HdfsStorer and the Filter Plugin
- 4 Internal Architecture of the CKAN HdfsStorer and TheHarvester Filter Plugin
- 5 CKAN-Based Extension Implementation
- 6 Implementation of the Harvester Filter Plugin
- 7 Proof of Concept
- 8 A Smart City Scenario Using Hadoop and CKAN
- 9 Discussion
- 10 Summary and Conclusions
- References
- An Optimization Model to Reduce Energy Consumption in Software-Defined Data Centers
- The Benefits of Using Experimental Exploration for Cloud Migration Analysis and Planning
- 1 Introduction
- 2 A Pattern-Based Migration Planning Framework
- 3 Architecture Assessment and Risk
- 4 Experimentally-Oriented Migration Feasibility Studies
- 5 Structured Experimentation in Migration Feasibility Studies
- 6 A Selected Migration Use Case
- 7 Observations on Use Cases and Evaluation
- 8 Related Work
- 9 Conclusions
- References
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service
- Controlling Cloud-Based Systems for Elasticity Test Reproduction
- Cost Analysis for Big Geospatial Data Processing in Public Cloud Providers
- A Flexible Semantic KPI Measurement System
- A Framework for the Orchestration and Provision of Cloud Services Based on TOSCA and BPMN
- Component Migration in a Trans-cloud Environment
- A Lexical and Semantical Analysis on REST Cloud Computing APIs
- Author Index