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商朝太乙(成汤)十一年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)1488-1489癸酉年)__In the eleventh year of Taiyi (Chengtang) of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1488 to
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商朝黄尹(伊尹)殷历历谱四年(公元前(B.C)1477-1478甲申年)__In the fourth year of Huangyin (Yiyin) of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1477 to 1478
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商朝黄尹(伊尹)十一年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)1470-1471辛卯年)__In the eleventh year of Huangyin (Yiyin) of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1470 to
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商朝太甲沃丁十一年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)1458-1459癸卯年)__In the eleventh year of Taijia Woding of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1458 to 1459
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商朝小甲十一年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)1434-1435丁卯年)__In the eleventh year of Xiaojia of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1434 to 1435 BC, the y
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西周成王姬诵三年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)997-998甲申年)In the third year of King Cheng(Ji Song)of Western Zhou Dynasty, from 997 to 998 BC,
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商朝太乙(成汤)九年殷历历谱(公元前(B.C)1490-1491辛未年)__In the ninth year of Taiyi (Chengtang) of the Shang Dynasty ,from 1490 to 1491
星级: 4 页